Animal Liberation Victoria yesterday received a legal letter from lawyers acting for Otway Pork’s parent company Pastoral Pork, two days after our website went live. They have demanded we remove the website and post an unreserved apology or they will proceed with legal action. We will not be removing the website but we do feel an apology is in order, so here it is…
ALV’s Apology to the Pastoral Pork Company
We at ALV are extremely sorry that the pigs who live at your facilities are treated so inhumanely.
We are sorry that they are forced to live chest deep in their own waste.
We are sorry they are suffering from injuries and illnesses and that those injuries and illnesses are left untreated.
We are sorry that the pigs’ food and water troughs are covered in filth.
We are sorry that dead pigs are left to decompose amongst living pigs.
We are sorry that some pigs on your facilities are so stressed and overcrowded that they have turned to cannibalism.
We are sorry that we have found warm piglets on your dead piles at two in the morning.
We are sorry that some pigs are suffering from spinal deformities due to your lack of care.
We are sorry that all the pigs who survive the disgusting conditions at your facilities will die a terrifying death at the slaughterhouse.
We are sorry that for so long you have lied to the public regarding the conditions at your properties.
We are sorry that you underestimate our resolve and our commitment to the pigs who are at the mercy of your profit driven hands.
And finally we are sorry for all the suffering Sheldon, Strawberry, Danny Boy, Delilah, Arni, Doby, Dallas, Casper, Sally, William, Henry, Neo, Little Noah, Shmuel and those thousands of nameless pigs left behind, endured because of you.
I’m sorry that our Govt is pathetic that it can’t protect the innocent and it takes Not For Profit organisations to make good on all cases on animal cruelty and abuse. This is so disgusting that I hope you all go to jail for a very long time and that other Australian companies take head and think very long and hard before they harm or compromise the health and welfare of any living being.
Awesome!!! A REAL Apology!!!
An appropriate apology! Great job! Down with all factory farms!
Have you even explored the site and watched the video of the investigation? The investigation was done on a “humane” farm to prove that all animal farming is inherently cruel so down with ALL animal farms! Stop talking against factory farms only.
bann factory farms theres no excuse for animal cruelty in this day and age or EVER
These are not factory farms Tina, they are Bred Free Range farms!
No one should eat pork! It’s not beneficial for anyone! So pigs should not be raised for meat at all!
Have you even explored the site and watched the video of the investigation? The investigation was done on a “humane” farm to prove that all animal farming is inherently cruel so down with ALL animal farms! Stop talking against factory farms only.
I can’t express enough how this action makes me feel. We need more of it to stop inhumane action at it’s roots. We need to continue to save individual lives of mistreated animals who are suffering NOW and to educate for the protection of animals in the FUTURE.
Keep up the brilliant work. Go vegan for anyone reading who isn’t yet. You’ll feel better for it.
All blood type A’s should be vegetarian because meat is not beneficial for you. Check out your blood type with Dr DAdamo’s books or online websites. Most blood types are to avoid most meat.
As much as you feel “Vegan” life is the future, telling people who aren’t to convert is no better than religious extremists. I’m a meat eater, and love meat, but fight for animal welfare and also work as a legal advisor for an animal rights group. If you love the taste of meat, keep eating it, as becoming a Vegan will not make you any more righteous or healthier, it will also not bring you any closer to god or the earth, the only thing it may do is take away another of your freedoms of choice.
Hello Dylan, religious doctrine is based on an entirely different philosophy than veganism. Religious belief emanates from a self-preserving attitude whereas veganism intends to advocate and prevent other beings from suffering and premature death. It is also ironic that given the predominantly selfish motivator for religious belief, people are more likely to find those who preach religious doctrines less offensive than those who are trying hard to reduce the suffering, and to encourage people to realise that a cruelty-free lifestyle not only helps other animals, but it actually benefits our own health and the environment. I hope you consider this.
Well said Jane, and so true.
You are wrong…murdering animals is not right to do just so you can fill your mouth and stomach with something to eat…i have been vegetarian for 6 months now and i am healthier than i have been in the 45 years i have been alive…and my heart is once again pure….our bodies do not NEED flesh, it’s not fair to kill something just to satisfy our selfish wants….
Glad to hear it Nancy, it’s not that hard is it! I havent eaten meat in over 10 years and have never missed it.
It’s good to read so many positive comments from these people. It was especially good to read that you became a vegetarian 6 months ago. I chose to go down that same road 12 months ago, and due to feeling so much healthier it was easy to follow on and become a vegan. Animal cruelty is abhorrent, and I thought the apology was perfect in light of how these poor factory farmed animals are treated around the world. If only we could ban live export and stop animal farming.
I would somewhat agree with Dylan. As a meat eater myself I care about how the animal lived before it becomes my supper. For Nancy P to suddenly be re-evangelized after 45 years and suddenly call it murder is a bit rich.
The only reason those pigs are alive is because there is a demand for their flesh. The greater the transparency on the whole operation, the better for the pigs and the better for our diet.
Dylan one thing as well, by Vegan’s not eating meat it doesn’t mean they’re helping the animals. If we eat meat we should fight that the animals are cared for and killed humanely. And too many Vegans have never seen a farm animal, never grown a vegetable don’t understand how there choices still don’t help the animals. Let’s help the animals instead of constant blame and guilt to meat and dairy eaters! If Vegan’s don’t stop the almost religious claptrap, it’s going to make it worse, not better for THE ANIMALS!
How can you ever defend the pain, fear and misery generated by animal farming and other exploitative practices? I live in regional Australia and the terrible suffering I have witnessed absolutely convinces me that a cruelty free lifestyle aka veganism is the Only way to definitively “help the animals”. I truly hope you will come to that understanding also.
“cared for and killed humanely” – some people would find that statement ironic. Call me crazy, but I myself wouldn’t be sold on the idea of being killed, regardless of how “cared for” I was, or how “humanely” it was done.
I think you have summarised the whole point brilliantly Joshua!!
Agree Josh
I am passionate about animal welfare and i volunteer for rescue export ect should be banned but just because i eat meat it doesn’t mean i dont live and care for animals.
Jac: it’s great that you care and do your bit, but it’s hypocritical to eat from the source you oppose.
Hello, lm hoping that u might be able to help me.. After reading about Otway Farm and following this l no longer will eat pork.. However have teenage sons that still want bacon and ham. Is there any true free range places???
Free range or factory farmed…the end result is the same. There is no such thing as humane slaughter.
I guess that old question has to be asked. What justification do you give for loving some animals and eating others? Do you love the animals you eat? Or are those animals different in some way. Do they feel less pain or fear. ? If you say you do love those animals, then why should their lives be cut drastically short to satisfy your taste buds? These are just questions to ask yourself. You know that dogs and cats would taste equally good with a nice jus and wine……
People have to clean up their own back yards as well as the live export trade here in Australia they treat the animals just as bad.
Dylan what right do you have to take away another’s life because of your selfish choice to EAT its flesh….. I can’t believe you work for animal welfare – obviously you are missing the point big time – people are VEGAN because it is the only compassionate way to live, nothing about being closer to god or the earth-
“I’m a meat eater, and love meat, but fight for animal welfare and also work as a legal advisor for an animal rights group.” – Honestly Dylan, do you really not see any conflict of interest here?
Dylan a lot of people choose to go vegan or vegetarian because they do not feel they can guarantee the meat they eat will be from cruelty free sources so this is their only option to ensure they are not responsible for animals being treated cruelly in the factory farming process. Those who have the courage to choose this path should most certainly be congratulated and should most certainly feel good knowing they are not contributing to the horrendous factory farming industry, if this is what you call righteous- then righteous I am!!!
Hi Dylan,
I don’t come from a “Meat is Murder” stance, rather a viewpoint that sees Factory Farming as an abhorrent practice.
If your sole argument for eating meat is “it tastes good” you might want to re-evaluate that line of thinking. You might, you might not.
I am a vegan but certainly don’t feel righteous. My decision not to eat meat is based upon a strong desire not to be a participant in the Factory Farming “system” of abuse, cruelty and suffering. It’s a small gesture that helps me feel like I am putting my money where my mouth is.
I personally feel you might benefit from further self-education on the topic of animal welfare. Sounds like you are already a compassionate soul.
Sorry, but I just think it’s really pathetic that someone would actually equate religion with veganism. Religion asks you believe something you can’t see. Animal rights/veganism asks you to see something you won’t believe. It actually does make you healthy if you eat a clean vegan diet, eating meat is not good for you. You’re right about not bringing it closer to god though, because god doesn’t exist in the first place. You talk about freedom of choice for eating, but fail to consider freedom of living for the animals that have to die for a selfish reason – taste.
Spot on FT.
Now that’s pretty close-minded, nearly ignorant.
Previous comment directed towards Dylan. I absolutely love the apology.
Dylan I choose to be vegetarian and have vegan tendencies because of the footage I witnessed on the internet since 2006 when I got a computer. I am so pleased to hear you advocate for humane animal treatment as it is the least they deserve. For those who choose to eat meat I hope they choose meat from animals who have been treated humanely and killed humanely. The RSPCAs 5 freedoms apply to all animals. Therefore for mine animals are NOT commodities even though there body parts will become commodities. Are you able to give me any legal advice on this angle please. I really appreciate your post, thank you.
No animal used for the purpose of a food industry is humanely slaughtered. Don’t let anyone kid you. It is not humane to watch the fear in an animal once it smells he fear of the one that went before him or her. It is not humane to evoke such a strong fear that the poor animal vomits, or urinates, or has explosive diarrhea. It is not humane to then shock those animals that resist going into the killing room. It is not humane to then shoot a bolt into their brains extolling the “they feel no pain” guess and then hang them by one leg and slit their throats to essentially bleed out. That my friends is the cold hard truth of a humane slaughter of your meat products.
If you love the taste of meat, Dylan, then you don’t care about the torture and murder of animals, Dylan. We are sorry that you still love the taste of meat so much that you still don’t care about how animals live and die in terror at our hands every day. We are also sorry that you compare vegans to religious extremists, since vegans deal with the very real realities of how humanity tortures and murders animals every day, while religious extremists believe a bunch of rubbish about made-up religious figureheads that are all allegories based on earliest man’s observations of seasonal change.
We are also sorry you think it’s a bad thing that vegans think they are more righteous…too right vegans are more righteous…they’ve opted out of the global animal holocaust. Most of all, we are sorry you don’t care about the 34 BILLION animals that humanity kills every year for their dining pleasure. And lastly, since you provide legal advice for animal rights groups, I guess you may already know this bit of maths – in all of humanity’s wars since the beginning of recorded history, we have managed to slaughter 610 million human beings. Humanity slaughters 610 million animals every 4 days. We are sorry that doesn’t make you stop loving the taste of meat.
Dylan – your lack of logic is breath-taking. You are so clearly deluding yourself if actually makes my teeth hurt! You ‘love the taste of meat’ and this is your justification for doing so? Can you hear yourself? And seriously – comparing vegetarians to religious extremists? Seriously? How can you claim to be a campaigner for the welfare of animals and then argue that eating them is okay? It’s very, very, very simple – animals are victimised by the higher order species that is the human race because they cannot vocalise their objections to being colonised and consumed. If they could talk, do you really think they’d be saying ‘dig in’? Stop lying to yourself and everyone else on here. You’re absolutely no better than the animal abusers being attacked on her – bloody hell, with friends like you, who needs enemies!!
Being vegan does make you more righteous as it is more humane and ethical than is the murder of innocent beings simply so that you can selfishly satiate your palate, and it also makes you more healthy, as numerous studies have equated a longer life expectancy to vegetarianism/veganism. Way to rationalize your behavior though.
(Dylan) You revealed your ignorance to the issue in your final words. The one thing that living a vegan life will “guarantee” you is you will save hundreds of innocent animal lives from cruel enslavement, torture and murder. Any other outcome from living a vegan lifestyle is secondary.
It sound like to me your living in contradiction to what you espouse to support.
If there were a god.The avoidence of eating dead animals would bring we true HUMANS no nearer to it.But it would sure as hell bar you fat guzzlers from. it’s presence
Hi Dylan,
Didn’t expect a person of your stature to say I love the taste and tell people to keep eating meat. Taste is THE most irrelevant issue. You would not knowingly eat a human or even your pet no matter how good she tasted. You have come this far, now please do the reading. It is all on the web:
> massive and overwhelming scientific evidence of the superior health gained from plant based eating
> the evidence that the 1 acre per second clearing of rainforests can stop as the already cleared land will grow the food needed for all the planet. Just one factor: the mind boggling amount of crops fed to animals while humans starve to death.
> The pitifully endless human disease and early death toll needlessly created by the western meat centric diet and the 58 billion sentient animals slaughtered yearly and the mind numbing, planet damaging, pollution this causes.
For an educated person, working in the capacity you claim to not know of these things is scandalous and a disgrace. Sorry mate, but the words you uttered come normally from a person whose profits depend on ignoring the above and whose cruel heart has not yet awakened to the compassion lying dormant there.
Yes we are all sorry for the inhumane treatment of those pigs.
How disgusting that these ‘people’ abuse the pigs this way for sheer profit and greed!
Keep up the great work Animal Liberation Victoria!!
If I were wearing a hat, it would come off to you.
And that is all the apology they deserve too.
Such important work ALV, I fully support everything you do and this free range fraud campaign is so worthy. Well done. – And a perfect apology!
Hear! Hear!
Truly kind and loving of you!! I concur!!! <3
I’m also SORRY that you have to threaten legal action to do something. Surely you must be aware that you can only get away with SO much for SO long, well done ALV
Go to Hell Pastoral Pork!
You should be the ones apologising for your lack of care, compassion and ethical stance on what you perceive as ‘humane’ – you have not only let the poor innocent animals down, but the public with your deceitful lies and propaganda.
Take it all the way ALV – the truth must be heard and they truth WILL prevail
Hear hear!! Well said!
Awesome. Please keep going. The animals need you so badly..
Keep up your amazing work!! Thank God for people like you!
I’m interested to know on what grounds they plan to take legal action?
Thank you to those who went into hell for doing what you did. Please remember to take care of yourselves now.
I LOVE that apology! Good one guys! The only way to stop these creeps is to stop buying their product. Hit it where it hurts, in the hip pocket.
Well done ALV! I am sorry that people are such money hungry disgusting liars. I am sorry for the Pigs
I applaud your work. Pastoral Pork should be apologising, instead of acting like bullies. Another fraud exposed.
ALV: You. Are. Heroes.
Thank you for witnessing. Thank you for promoting. Thank you for reminding everyone that empty threats will not silence compassion and right.
Thank you.
An apology from the heart! We support you 100% and appreciate the strong stance you’ve taken : )
Well done to Animal Liberation for a factual and direct apology and reply to a legal demand. Any lawyer reading this who purely responds according to some legal dictate without conscious and common sense, should, I believe, relinquish the privileges given to a professional.
If, after reading this,their conscience and heart is not touched to either implore Otway Pork to change or to withdraw from representing them, then they effectively collude with such cruelty.
When any professional acts in a way without little recourse to moral standards and values, purely responding without sentiment, then they make a mockery of any professional privilege afforded to them by society.
Let’s see how they respond and applaud the response of Animal Liberation for showing such leadership, fortitude and conscience. They are helping to create a world to which I choose to belong.
Clare Mann
Registered Psychologist
Otway should be ashamed. What a dreadful way to treat these intelligent, clean and fastidious animals. Pigs should have straw beds and fresh food and water. Boycott Otway – if you eat pork. Disgraceful.
The only apology they deserve. Thank You ALV! xx
Well said!!! Keep up the fight. You guys are wonderful!!!!
The photo says it all. That lawyers can take on any work because it’s just that, work, to defend this abhorrent situation and to expect no one should expose them is as evil as the pig industry itself.
Stay strong ALV – you have more support across the community than they ever will
We are sorry that some people seem to not be capable of even a basic level of morality and compassion and have no regard for life.
So proud of the ALV you inspire us all.
awesome response, couldn’t have put it better myself, maybe the Victorian public should star a class action suit against them for overwhelming cruelty, bastards.
Very moving, very real, this apology is real and worthy.
A disgusting practice full of lies, sadness and greed that has now been exposed. Well done to you at ALV for publicly exposing them.
So very well done… fuck you porkers, love you porkies. The pigs (& all farm animals) deserve so much better. Thank you AL for exposing this scum
Well played! Thank you ALV !
I WILL TAKE ACTION AGAINST the Pastoral Pork Co. ! I will yell it from the rooftops that this Company Is a HORROR for animals and a serious threat to human safety! I will tell every single person I know about Pastoral, what an ironic name, by the way! I will SPEAK the truth for those that can not speak for themselves!!! Pastoral Pork, you need to find another way to chase the almighty dollar! We will bring you down with our First Ammendment Right to Freedom of Speech….Freedom to speak the Truth!
I love you guys much, and the work you do, this is the best “sorry” ever…how dare those bastards treat our animal friends like this….abhorrent, cruel and DISGUSTING
Thank you ALV, for telling it like it is.
Vet Nurse
I’m sorry too….sorry for all the little piggies who suffer.
very well said,keep up the good work
Glad someone brought this out into the LIGHT! So much for ‘humanely raised’!! That’s why I am now a VEGAN. It’s the only answer to these losers. Perhaps the consumer can take legal action on the deceptive marketing these heartless scum have been hiding behind! Good job!!!
Where is RSPCA ? Why do they allow this to happen? Aren’t they the law enforcers who protect animals? I don’t understand his this could happen in Australia?
Feel so sorry for the terrible plight of these animals. Feel even more sorry for the ignorant consumers who continue to eat meat and support this barbaric industry. a typical ” Not In My Backyard” response. This happens EVERYWHERE. yes, even in Australia. Time to open your eyes!
PS: Ottway IS rspca approved. rspca is condoning this. nothing to understand. just need to open your eyes
Victoria, RSPCA needs a complete overhaul. They need to be put in their place, by someone higher than them.They seem to do so much good, then you hear someplace they have let an animal abuser get off scot free. Maybe it is just SOME RSPCA’S, but I hear more and more negative stuff about them as each day goes on.
I am sorry that you continue to package and promote and market your meat as ‘FREE RANGE’ when clearly it is not! Thank god for ALV, for without them, this fraudulent practise would continue. Otway Meats………. surely the public, your customers deserve more than this, for I know the animals you keep wallowing shoulder deep in faeces do! Clean up your act!
I am sorry OTWAY PORK exists!
Well done! Excellent response and photo.
I have a few words to say here….. I hope you and everyone else are vegans…… If you are not then you make companies like this exists…..So when you all are saying good job and then going through a drive through I hope you all smack your selves in the face……..
I’m just sorry that I can’t free the pigs from this hellhole and lock the owners in the cages with their filth.Mongrels they are.Thank god for A L V.
Bring it on OP! We are ready!
I am saddened to say that I cannot even watch these videos. I cannot fathom why anyone interested in animal welfare could possibly allow abuse this to happen. When I’ve explained the concept of “bred free range” pork to people, they’ve been horrified that they’ve unwittingly supported such an industry, let alone with the full knowledge of how these animals are treated. It is my worst fears come true. And for those who choose to eat meat, I can only say that the way I assess the meat I eat comes down to what I see with my own eyes, and if a producer isn’t willing to show their methods, I won’t support them.
I’m sorry you had to apologise for exposing the truth! What happened to free speech? Surely if it’s true it can’t be slander etc?
Thanks ALV .
shame on you heartless evil bastards, cruelty for profit.
” I don’t understand his this could happen in Australia?”
WOW. Clearly there are still so many ignorant people out there who continue to eat meat and support this barbaric industry.
I’m glad this article has been published. I have shared widely.
BRAVO, ALV! You guys are the best!
And I’M sorry that we have governments that allow filth like Otway Park to exist, that there are so many people in these businesses that don’t give a damn about the animals they abuse and mistreat in their disgusting hellholes, and that it’s not unlikely that there are lawyers so lacking in integrity that they well might take on cases like this…….
How TOTALLY appropriate!!!
Pastoral Pork, bluff on with your threats! We the people have the right to know! Threatening lawsuits against the truthers proves nothing you do or say can be respected and your business is a sleezy exploitation of both man and beast. May your business and customers have dire consequences for contributing.
Well done! Love the apology! How disgusting that animals are still being treated this way! Why isn’t this brought to the media’s attention more often to raise awareness? Keep up the good work!
Consumers have a right to know about exactly what they are supporting. If you think this is what people think of as “free range”, you are sadly mistaken. Australians DEMAND animal welfare rights!
Go ALV. Fantastic work. I am also sorry for those poor pigs that have to endure such a cruel life. Keep going with your investigations and bringing the truth into the open.
Well said!!!
I am sorry that the horrible crimes they are committing to these pigs leaves them so fearful of the truth that they feel the need to demand a website be taken down. It will not help, truth will always prevail!
I was too angry and I emailed RSPCA and they did call me back.. I was told the the footages was old and that basically activists were “trouble”
They also made it crystal clear that they did not find anything wrong..
So if you would like to vent your frustration.. Please call RSPCA
All creatures great and small ( except farm animals)
Well done AVL.
Thanks Paul! Here is our response to the RSPCA:
‘Don’t buy the lies’
The RSPCA will say anything as long as it doesn’t lose its revenue raising. It is a travesty that this wholly comptomised organisation is allowed anywhere near administering POCTA statutes, and we should all be telling them to do their job. Their CEOs get paid over $200K – so that, along with their huge administrative bureaucracies, is how disgusting enterprises like Otway Pork get away with this horror.
One word about the “apology” from ALV: B R A V O !!!
Thank you for all the work you have done to bring this to the public. I support your work.
I am sorry my meal tasted better than that pork you idiots are eating, that you can’t lift as much as me and you run slower. I’m sorry your health is worse because you eat meat and dairy.
Go vegan.
Perfect! Don’t stop until all are liberated.
Empathy, Compassion, Animal Liberation! No Flesh on my fork, No Fish on my Dish! The voiceless Thank You…and so do I!
Well done, excellent response. Keep up the good work.
Shame on you. How do you sleep at night?
I don’t think I have ever supported an organisation the way I support yours. If you want to be a vegan apologist – here is the right way to do it.!
I posted that link onto the RSPCA site and asked someone to explain. They are still ignoring it.
Thank you for sticking to your guns and not bowing to the bullies and their threats.
These poor animals have been voiceless for long enough!
Well done. Thank you for your much needed work and for exposing the truth
I’m sorry that it is necessary for people to need to police these industries.
I’m sorry that there are humans who think that animals deserve to be treated like this.
I’m sorry that the staff and volunteers at ALV have to go through the horror of defending these animals.
I’m sorry to the animals, so very sorry, that you trusted us.
I’m sorry that I can’t shoot the bastards who farm in this way!
It is high time for animal liberaton, all over the nations of the world… can only happen by exposing businesses like this…..good on you for your kind of sorry, that’s the spirit we need…..people with true convinctions
look at what those poor little guys are standing in THEIR OWN SHIT. LET THEM OUTSIDE FOR GODS SAKE YOU SICK ASS BASTARDS!
Way to go! Keep doing what you’re doing. Go Vegan! Peace…
An amazing response by ALV to the Otway murderers consistent with their amazing advocacy xx
We are sorry that the vast majority of pigs in this country – sensitive, intelligent, feeling creatures, are foced to live this way. I personally am sorry that the RSPCA has ANY ROLE AT ALL in the administration of POCTA statutues, where they get money out of this horrific suffering of animals. Nothing will ever get in the way of the RSPCA’s search for the almight dollar to pay its bloated bureaucracies and it should have no role al all in animal protection. Well done, as always, ALV – we’re all behind you!
Be KIND to animals! They dont deserve anything less! Good work ALV! As for the ones who wish to sue… Then I only gave ONE word for you all
I’m so proud of you Animal Liberation Victoria! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
I am sorry for these pigs to be treated in such a manner, but I am also sorry for the karma these people will receive, even if they go to court. With every action there is always a reaction! Never forget it, may not be now, maybe later, but it will come.
Shame, shame and more shame on you Otway Pork, you rotten lot. Time for people to wake up to the misery, there is absolutely no excuse for allowing this suffering.
They want an apology? Are they serious?
Go live in the conditions you keep your animals in Pastoral Pork and then come back and ask for an apology! Me thinks the apology will be to all those poor animals.
and I finish off with thumb in mouth blowing it at you, with fingers waving….
Sending love to all the souls still confined to dreadful condtions….
When I read peoples comments to continue eating meat AFTER they see this kind of treatment, my heart breaks a little bit more. The disconnect for humans is such a sad one. I pity them all.. but this pity is NOTHING compared to the deep love and compassion and GRATITUDE I feel for those who expose this mythological fairy tale of freerange to the world. Thank you and keep up the brilliant work.
Thank you ALV for your tireless work. I was one of those ignorant that believed the RSPCA does the right thing. Keep exposing the truth! People need to be made aware
Thanks for highlighting the conditions there. I regularly get asked about free range etc issues. Now I know to not recommend this company. I knew that the pigs were only born outside, not raised free range, but didn’t know how bad the conditions were after that. Now I do. Anything that tries to tamper with the word free range is clearly dodgy.
I am so saddened by this abuse and neglect, so disgusted by this fraud and deception but also very heartened by ALV and their stance on this. Do not back down – I am so impressed with your response to their ridiculous threats of legal action. We the consumers should be threatening Otway Pork with legal action! I gave up on the idea of humane meat and have been forced to acknowledge there is no such thing and am now completely vegan. I would heartily recommend everyone to do the same. The truth is these liars will always be in business while they have customers. Once again ALV, our most grateful thanks for what you do.
I am sorry that worthless carbon units like the people like you even exist. The air we breathe is far too precious to be wasted on walking trash bins like you.
Thank the gods for ALV. The animals would kneel at your feet.
Thanks ALV for the great job you do. Great apology.
Shame on you Otway Pork, and shame on you RSPCA for approving this atrocity. How dare you demand an apology from the ALV!! ALV, thank you for exposing this disgracing industry. My husband and I are now vegetarians, following the lead of our daughter and her partner, and not only do we feel healthier, we don’t carry the shame of taking the life of an animal. I am sorry for what our animals have to go through to satisfy the human ‘need’, but especially sorry for all those suffering in factory farms, just for the almighty dollar. I think it is wonderful that Otway Pork has now been exposed.
I’d say i’m a conscious consumer…a whole food eater and someone who eats meat. I eat less meat than i did 10 years ago and only buy direct from farmers i trust. Otway Bred Free Range to my mind mind have always been a con…a misnomer…greenwash. Cunningly using ‘free range’ and green pastures in there branding whilst operating what amounts to a factory farm. The markets lets this happen and the major players (Coles & Safeway) control the market. All this ‘cage free’ and ‘sow-stall free’ promotion by way of handsome celebrities is cowardly and ridiculous. I’m surprised that all the vitriol here is directed at the producers…who probably aren’t doing anything illegal (for a bred-free range producer)…awful yes, but sadly not illegal.
I think this conversation would progress a lot further if there was less ‘meat is murder’ finger pointing and more focus on moving the majors away from support of factory farming.
The condition of these pigs is an absolute disgrace! I would never eat the flesh of an animal, however I know some people continue to buy ‘free range’ meat thinking the animal is living in open spaces with adequate care. Otway Pork are a prime example of the LIE of free range. For the RSPCA to be involved in this atrocity should lead to an immediate inquiry and cancellation of their charity status.
I cringed when I saw ALV had apologised to Otway Pork, I knew of course that it would be forced legally. But I should have known better, this is brilliant, I love this cheeky but truthful version of an apology. ALV is a unwavering beacon of animal rights in such a disconnected world. Love your work ALV but I hope your out of a ‘job’ sooner than later. Keep up the fight, we are behind you!
Love your apology to Pastoral Pork
Surely Otway Pork will be happy with this apology….
I am sorry that not all Humans can live in equality and that not all Humans can afford the luxury of buying meat from farms that treat their animals as individual pets. I am sorry that people don’t make the same fuss about the impoverished adults and children alike who do not get enough to eat every day. I am sorry that some folk care more about animals (that were given to us to eat) than the real issues facing our society with drugs, alcohol, gambling, family violence and suicide. If this is truly the biggest issue you face you are all doing very well. Yeh yeh yeh the animals need a voice. I’ll tell you what, don’t ask for pay rises, donate ten per cent of your gross income to a human based charity, tell you boss he/she is greedy and that they, like the Pastoral Pork Company should not pay their employees as much so they can clean up their act to. Grandstanding minorities who ignore the “REAL” issues affecting people around the world should stand up and actually do something other than making a noise. You guys want to see more people unemployed, keep pushing. Like Ford and countless other countless companies our jobs will be taken off shore, then guess what? You’ll be unemployed and eating worse scraps that those pigs. Inflation, Interest Rates and Unemployment will hit the roof. Do any of you really know what you are talking about and look at the bigger picture and understand the ramifications of your desires?
What? Last I checked this was a site dedicated to the liberation of animal cruelty.. There’s another site other than this that addresses the many woes of humans that you carefully depicted !
Please tell me what you do to help humans Ross? I’d love to know. Then I’ll tell you what I do, even though I am an animal rights activist, and we’ll see who cares more about humans.
Hi Felicity,
I too care about animals, but feeding people I put above them. I sponsor six children, 3 in Uganda, 1 in Bangladesh and 2 here in Australia. I also support a foundation called CHIPS (Christians Helping in Primary Schools) to the tune of 4k per annum as well as volunteering as a buddy twice a year on a camp for under privileged children called Life Gets Better. I’m also on the board of my local church who supply 500 food bags a year to people down on their luck and to abused women. You and I are not in competition nor opposition, however I have seen first hand the results of poverty and increasing prices of food. I think a balance is required to ensure both sides, people and animals are looked after. Sadly providing cheaper food to people who cannot afford higher quality, animal friendly alternatives is not an economically viable proposition without a significant impact down the line to our employers. We do not live in an ideal world and we never will so we need to carefully prioritize what is most important.
Thanks for your response Ross. I find it interesting that you would say we are not in competition when your first comment was so obviously competitive, not to mention disparaging to the work of those involved in this campaign. You seem to be under the impression that this campaign is about making meat more expensive when in actual fact it is about promoting veganism. There is no way to exploit animals without causing them harm and Free Range Fraud is educating people about this fact. It may interest you to know, since you are obviously very concerned about world hunger, that animal agriculture is actually one of the main factors contributing to world human hunger. When we funnel huge amounts of nutritious grain through small numbers of non human animals just so we can make a dollar or satiate our desire for flesh we cause less food to go round. In short if you eat meat, any meat, you are contributing to food inequity for humans. If you truly care about the hungry children of the world you would abstain from the products that contribute to that hunger.
You talk about priorities…are your the Grinch? There is definitely enough room in the human heart to care for all the beings we share this planet with. And if I were a religious person I would believe that is what a god would want of us. So as a long time sponsor of Ugandan and Tanzinian children, a volunteer of 20 years; visiting the isolated elderly in our community, an advocate for adults living with disabilities, a financial supporter of Amnesty International, a cottage mother for children waiting for foster care, a personal care worker specialising in palliative care and the guardian and primary care giver of a woman with autism, I say I have time for non humans as well as humans and that in this harsh world they need my voice just as much, probably more. Those who share this planet with us are just that… with us not for us. Open your heart to all. If I was a religious person I would say doing that would bring you closer to God.
Wow Felicity, you are passionate. I am not in competition with you and I apologize for any and all comments you found disparaging. I actually support the welfare of animals however the old Derryn Hinch ways of blame and shame only provokes your true opposition, which is not me. Why not try to work with these people instead of combating them. Come up with some solutions other than total abstinence. We have free choice as to what we eat and meat is one of the many things that actually provides nourishment.
You are clearly compassionate for all of God’s creatures and for that I take my hat off to you. If the world had more people with your compassion it would be a markedly better place. Please understand the difference between religion and Christian faith. Faith comprises trying to live by the word of God and accepting Christ as our Lord and Saviour. Religion consists of obeying man’s doctrines and rules pertaining to faith and it was religious people who had Christ crucified.
I could talk for hours about the various excerpts from the bible that relate to food and meat and how it was provided for us to eat, however this is not the forum. Some may laugh at me stating this given my earlier comments. I admit I had no idea this was a Vegan site that my sisters had sent me the link to through Facebook. They, with closed minds, push their views and opinions on me with unfounded facts that they have heard “somewhere”. Never do they concede that most of the food allergies and intolerances are non animal product based. I refer to coeliac, anaphylactic, fructose and sucrose intolerances among others. I will say no more other than the following comment and leave your website alone.
I wish you all well in your endeavours. I doubt you will ever win the fight and convert everyone to veganism, however if you work with, rather than against the companies in your sights you may improve the lives of the animals currently suffering. I am surprised that no government department exists to control this industry to ensure humane treatment.
Good luck, Ross
Ross believes in God, Felicity. This gives him the overwhelming feeling of superiority that puts him above animals and those humans who care for them. Ross believes that his Godly work for human charities is more important than anything else anyone does for animals. It also stops him from reading all the freely available information on the global library system (the internet) that outlines the devastating mathematics of how feeding the first world’s livestock with third world grain is what is causing all the starvation he is so keen to try and stop. I wonder if he is the same Ross as the Ross who posted all the retarded and cliched excuses about “the economy” above your reply? I’m guessing it’s the same Ross…nasty, stupid and uninformed one minute, piously religious and justifying his meat diet with religion the next…
“animals that were given to us to eat.”
Despite all of your good deeds.
You are sucked in.
By a convenient
complete deception to the public and consumers for the sake of profit. disgraceful.
Unless animal product consumers are willing to be treated by a “higher” species the way the animals are treated / kept, then they are hypocrites.
Thank you for providing animals with a voice, it’s outstanding that this barbarism is still allowed, and threatened by lawyers for voicing animal rights to these disgusting conditions !!
ALV – no need for apologies from your side. You guys are helping to EXPOSE these cruel farms.
It s easy to end all animal suffering .. STOP eating meat. Those who complain about the suffering and still eat meat are hypocrites. Start with yourselves and stop thinking killing an animal “humanly” is ok. I am sure if I did that to a person I would be locked up.
People need to look at themselves and blame themselves for this horror that is happening. Animals are being that have feelings, families and love.
The RSPCA do a great job -for domestic animals -why ?as I have asked this question before-why do they stop at the farm gate? we know the atrocities that are committed in all aspects of the fast food chain -the animals are on a conveyor belt -how can they not stop the unwanted -male baby chickens from being-minced alive-why are the greedy egg producers allowed to confine laying chooks t o a battery cage-calves confined to pens -for -veal? etc. etc. why are the rules different ?and the farm animals live in such misery and cruelty-why?.
Perfect apology. This disgraceful treatment needs to stop.
Absolutely disgusting!! I just cannot believe we all live in such a beautiful country that has absolutely no respect for ANY animals!! Breaks my heart.
Excellent apology. And the last line is important: “Take Action!”
Thank you so much ALV for standing up to these companies. That is why we love you so much, as people like you are the animals only hope!
Good work ALV! Best apology yet!!
Brilliant apology – you guys are awesome. Thank you so much for your commitment and all that you do for the voiceless souls who suffer so pathetically in silence.
Well said!
Thanks ALV. I am sorry there was ever a day when man gazed upon another living being and saw him or her as food.
Eating animals or animal products can never be “humane”. Eating animals is not a “personal choice”, it is a violent crime with an unwilling victim. Being vegan is the only moral way to eat.
Your group is the voice of the voiceless. Please continue to fight the good fight.
Felicity, you are awesome and I thank you for the attention you are bringing to the brutal treatment of these poor animals! I respect the way you are standing up against these companies and I think your ‘sorry’ is spot on!
I do not eat meat as I cannot think of the misery and suffering these poor creatures suffer so that people can have ‘meat’ on their table. Pigs are as intelligent as dogs! Would these people eat their dogs or subject them to such cruelty? Sadly they might if the profit was big enough :-{
Keep up the fight!!!
This is brilliant. Best apology ever. If I’ve learnt something from this, it is that You. Should. Never. Trust. Welfarists. Abolitionism is the only way.
Well done! Keep up the amazing work and LOVE your apology
I’m extremely sorry uneducated/ignorant people purchase your meat
I’m sorry more people aren’t aware of the torture Otway’s Pigs go through
I’m sorry piggies x
Yes since I have seen the atrocities to these animals I too have gone off meat….if these animals have to be killed for the sake of human consumption then it has to be in a humane way…but it is NOT!!!..animals are at the bottom of the list…Money is at the top…while this remains this way then the humane slaughter of these pigs & other animals will NOT change…shame on Australia…where are the authorities that care…well we haven’t got them in our Government…I am ashamed to be part of the human race….
Those poor animals. Don’t let those remorseless money hungry monsters bully and intimidate you. Great work guys
Fantastic ‘apology’ – look your courage and defiance! Please keep up the excellent work! xxxxxxxxxxx
I cannot believe that I also have been taken in by the lies and deception of Ottway Pork. I truly thought they were a caring business that had the pigs welfare at heart. I DO NOT eat meat myself but tried to spread the word to friends and family who did…. I will now un spread…..So disillusioned “AGAIN”
Thank you ALV, for telling it like it is.
I am sadly a meat eater My darling wife Julie is a Vegan and i am so proud of her, and after looking at the video will STOP eating any form of pork, and start cutting down other types of meat, I am ashamed of the complete lack of care for a living creatures and in the pig farms, IT Just has to STOP PLEASE.
We live in a house with a 10 year old bunny named Rascle, And the smarts most Animals have is mind blowing if we give them a CHANCE . Love to all Gregory & Julie xx00
I am sorry, piggies, that my species sucks. I am also sorry that my sucky species rules the world. I apologize on behalf of my evil, awful, repugnant species.
Good stuff!
Thank you for taking this courageous stand against abject cruelty and legal bullying. Thank you for all the work you do to end this horrific suffering. Never give up. Never back down.
Thank you so much for being the voice for these abused slaves. You have indeed shamed Otway Pork. I hope people will think twice about eating meat, knowing how terrible all animals are treated.
the cure for speciesism?? #VEGANISM
I wish I could not only save all the animals in the world from harmless slaughter, but bring back to life all the ones I stupidly and selfishly ate in the past!
I am sorry little beings (pigs) for having to suffer such a crap life at the hands of corporate Australia. They are behaving as thugs and their violence is noted. This is nothing short of a prisoner camp with death squad. Appalling to say the least.
I’m sorry that more people are not aware of the awful lives which our Australian pigs are subjected to before slaughter. It’s difficult to imagine what it must be like to be a human working for a pig factory. It is so far removed from happy city living where food is purchased in superstores and meat is in plastic containers. It seems that the only obvious solution is to give pigs freedom to move in the outdoors and shelter and food at night i.e. organic farming of pigs or no farming allowed. I cannot comprehend why people aren’t better able to identify with the suffering of our animals which we breed solely for food.
I love this so much. Good on you ALV
I absolutely applaud you for taking your stance, for investigatigng and for holding your ground. You are and inspiration for those of us within the animal welfare area . Thankyou.
Very wise and the best apology I ever read.
Way to go ALV ! Don’t let those bastards bully you like they do those poor animals.
The ACCC should investigate this the way they have done with Chicken farms claiming to be free range. Otway Pork charges a premium for free range as do all producers of stall free pork.
The apology was excellent, Surely Otway Pork must be satisfied with such an excellent reply, there is no other word to describe your response. I have never read an apology as sympathetic and considerate ever. KEEP THE GOOD WORK UP.
I love you all.
2015 , Nothing has changed. Three Victorian Companies have been found buy the ACCC Victoria , [one being Ottway Pork] to NOT be Free Range Pork !!!
We couldn’t have composed a more sincere apology than given by ALV. Thank you on our behalf.
Our contribution
We a sorry you have been exposed as the deceivers and con artists that you are Otway. You even have ethical butchers fooled so sorry you were able to do this too.