With no escape from their own excrement, pigs are forced to live in cramped, squalid conditions. Pigs are naturally clean animals who if given the choice, will never defecate in their sleeping or wallowing areas. In the absurdly called “Eco Shelters” the pigs are imprisoned in, a minimum of 20cm of dry bedding should be provided according to the RSPCA Approved Farming Standards. Over and over we found pigs condemned to live in sewage.
Over and over we see pigs condemned to live in sewage.
This is disgusting to treat animals in this manner. All animals deserve to treated with respect and dignity. That is the very least we can give them, seeing as though human EAT them. Shame on humans!!!
I recently read on the about the “eco shelters” with absolutely no mention of what makes them an eco shelter as ooposed to a shed. This is pure marketing.
Even in light of the ACCC’s investigation into the pork industry terms, the industry continues to use buzz words to sell their products as being more ethical and humane than they are. This needs to change. There needs to be clear standards (not guidelines) that are enforced across all food livestock industries so that consumers can make a clear choice.
All livestock food sources should be marked like eggs are currently. Consumers would immediately know the source of their food.