Due to the evidence of systematic animal abuse uncovered in our Free Range investigations the RSPCA has been forced to drop its fraudulent endorsement of Otway Pork products and remove its Paw of Approval from the brand. The endorsement was underhandedly withdrawn in July this year, 14 months after our shocking investigations began into RSPCA approved free range bred piggeries.
Otway Pork was the RSPCA’s spearhead brand for many years and promoted at such events as the Million Paws Walk and in RSPCA promotional videos. A blog still on the RSPCA website states “The RSPCA is very proud of our ongoing relationship with Otway Bred Free Range Pork – where animal welfare is an integral part of their business”.
This withdrawal raises more questions than it answers, and further highlights the deception being carried out by the RSPCA. We know the RSPCA first saw our horrific footage of the piggery in December last year, three months after their last inspection of the property. We know it took them at least another month before carrying out a further inspection (if they even carried out another inspection at all). Why did it take another seven months to withdraw the Paw of Approval?
The answer is obvious, Otway Pork NEVER operated at the standard the Paw of Approval Scheme claims to demand, and it is only the fact that we have exposed the fraud that the RSPCA has been forced to act.
Don’t buy the lies
The RSPCA are saying that some of the footage in our video is of no longer endorsed farms. But all footage taken in the video was taken at farms that were accredited by the RSPCA at the time. Here are the facts about RSPCA deception.
- The RSPCA removed their endorsement of Otway Pork over half a year after they were shown video of the horrific animal cruelty they were endorsing. In that half year period ALV continued to document atrocities at RSPCA Approved Otway Pork farms.
- One month after the RSPCA removed their Paw of Approval from Otway Pork the RSPCA website is still promoting “RSPCA Approved Otway Bred Free Range Pork”.

The RSPCA continues to endorse Otway Pork one month after they were forced to remove their accreditation
- Customers continue to be deceived. Otway Pork products are to this day being sold with the Paw of Approval from butcher shops, one month after the endorsement was withdrawn. Butcher shops we spoke to that displayed Otway Pork promotional material with the RSPCA Approved logo were unaware the brand was no longer endorsed.
- The RSPCA refuse to provide information about their other RSPCA Approved farms. If the RSPCA has nothing to hide they would be fully open about who is raising and killing animals with their “paw of approval”. The fact they will not, and the fact that they were endorsing such terrible animal abuse at their spearhead brand, is a tragedy for the animals they are supposed to be protecting.
If the RSPCA is to regain any credibility it must drop the Approved Farming Scheme immediately and get out of business with animal abusers.
For all creatures great and small – this is a absolute joke. As stated before to regain any credibility you must drop the Approved Farming Scheme immediately and get out of business with animal abusers.
In bed with Industry. Industry whores. Royal Society for the Protection of Cruel A$$holes. In return for the mighty dollar, of course.
Bless the activists – the ones who are *actually* here for the animals the RSPCA have abandoned for a buck.
This needs to be splashed all over social media, I already knew they were rogues and this fiasco just confirms it. High kill shelters, pigpens crammed with poor animals not able to turn around and itch their asses! A multi million dollar industry parading around as a community protection for the prevention of cruelty? WHAT A JOKE
We’ll do all we can to expose this project on the FFH site and Facebook page of over 12,000 users. Thanks for blowing the whistle on the RSCPA.
This is truly sad. It would seem that animals of Australia really have nowhere to turn for protection! We can protest all we like, but when you think the RSPCA is behind you, you donate to them, you support them every way you can, only to find out that the $$$ is more important than the totally helpless animals they claim to protest, makes you want to put them (RSPCA representatives that is) in a cage and let the animals take care of them. Shame on you fraudulent bastards! You have lost my support, and hope you rot like the carcasses you help to create !
when and who is going to make the rspca accountable for their lack of transparency and lies?
I am hearing more and more stories from Rangers to volunteers to general public seeking help for abused animals and at the end of each story a big fat question mark lies over the head of the rspca.
They are a top heavy money grabbing organisation who need to be put under the microscope and have all their policies addressed……they couldnt respond to a welfare concern of mine about a dog but sent copious pushes for me to fund raise in the cupcake drive !!!
Thanks a lot for caring guys <3
I’ve never rated them. I’ve tried to rehome animals from them and they’ve made it so difficult I gave up on the idea. I’ve reported several animals in danger and NOTHING was ever done about them. When I called to check up on their progress, they got very rude and said to call back in 4 weeks.
I will never support the RSPCA again. I am sorry i have supported them financially for all these years, and believed their paws of approval sticker. I used to shop by that sticker religiously. I just went onto their website and sent them an angry message via the “comments” section.
I thought you should know that yesterday whilst shopping at Lamana’s in Essendon Fields, Vic, I came across Otway Pork and the label still had the RSPC approved logo on it!
Thanks for raising awareness of this issue and good luck with your cause!
Why should man expect his prayer for mercy to be heard by What is above him when he shows no mercy to what is under him? ~Pierre Troubetzkoy
Can you let everyone know which chicken farms cut the chicks beaks as this is only done when they plan to crowd the birds
How much money RSPCA get from the industry for putting their labels of approval on eggs and meat? Thanks.
I am in such despair about the immense suffering that animals go through all over the world, and have been supporting animal freedom organisations for more than 20 years.
I deeply respect and honour Animal Liberation for your courage in exposing the RSPCA and Otway Meats.
So this means then that the public is being deceived about any RSPCA approved meat, including chicken. I am a vegetarian moving along the path towards veganism.
My latest step was moving from soy milk (made me feel ill after a while with all the sunflower oil and additives. I have started making my own almond milk.
Next step removing ghee and butter. Have started using coconut oil and tahini.
However I have two old cats. I have researched the pet food industry and know the horror of what animals ( including our own native animals – after dreadful deaths) and fish parts end up in dry and tinned pet foods. If you have ever read about how animals are ‘rendered to make pet foods you will never touch them.
I have looked on the net for an Australian product that is not meat for cats and have found one though very expensive. Any ideas anyone?
My cats were both rescue and are kept indoors at night.
I have to add that for three years recently I lived in a picturesque part of my state, Tasmania. It was a dairy and beef raising area and I had rented a cottage on a property that had about 20 beef cattle, that the owner of the property ( who also had a very profitable business in the adjacent township).
I was deeply saddened when the beautiful animals were loaded on the truck for the abattoir the first year I was there.
Each year the cattle that had gone were replaced by young heifers and castrated young males. The second year I was there, all the heifers were mated, and became pregnant. As my cottage was right next to two of the paddocks I could observe everything that happened. Some of the heifers had difficult births – admittedly the farmer had help from a dairy farmer down the road. When the calf died, the got in an unwanted dairy calf from the dairy farm, because of course these ‘poddy calves’ as they are called, are the ones that are taken off their mothers after a week so, so that our ‘milk industry’ can continue. Sometimes the grieving heifer mums would accept the replacement calf, but one poor calf was rejected by the mum whose calf had died, and he used to cry all day. He was only fed once or twice a day by the farmer from a bucket. That for a baby who is normally with its mother every minute of the day for a few months until weaned, suckling from the test at will, ang being lovingly licked and groomed by its mum.
The cows are such living mothers. It really broke my heart to see first hand the immense suffering for cows and calves. The farmer tired of his project and one dreadful day all the fairly new calves and their mothers were loaded on the double decker truck to go to their deaths.
That was it for me, I gave notice and moved into the city.
The farmer also intentionally poisoned with rat poison the little family group of possums that had lived harmlessly, in an old unused small barn under an oak tree right next to my cottage. The sight of the poisoned bodies of the possums on the ground outside the cottage and in an outhouseI had so loved broke my heart. There was one terrified baby possum whose mother was dead beside it.
So much for possums being ‘protected’ in Tasmania. I lived there for three years and the possums ate nothing that was needed by the farmer or beef cattle. Possums don’t eat
I found that most people in areas think of farm animals and their offspring as disposable commodities and have developed jargon to disguise the real truth of what the are doing.
They also regularly hire shooters and their dogs to shoot into bush parts of their properties to kill all the native animals.
Thank you Animal Liberation for what you are doing.
RSPCA has always been shonky, yet they recieve so much funding from the families who believe that an established entity must be credible. People are buying these products with trust of corporation, thats their biggest mistake to begin with