Free Range Fraud

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Pigs in Peril

The RSPCA deceives consumers and profits from animal suffering


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RSPCA Betrayal

Posted on May 14 by

The RSPCA claims to care for “all creatures great and small” but their actions show otherwise – they routinely have some animals killed to raise money for others, and profit...


Free Range Hell

Posted on Dec 20 by

In 2013 Animal Liberation Victoria investigated a “Bred Free Range” pig farm in Meredith, Victoria, as part of a series of investigations into free range farms...


Apology to Otway Pork

Posted on Aug 30 by

Animal Liberation Victoria yesterday received a legal letter from lawyers acting for Otway Pork’s parent company Pastoral Pork, two days after our website


Don’t Buy the Lies!

Posted on Aug 28 by

Due to the evidence of systematic animal abuse uncovered in our Free Range investigations the RSPCA has been forced to drop its fraudulent endorsement of Otway Pork products and...


Free Range Fraud

Posted on Aug 26 by

The RSPCA has been profiting financially from animal abuse and deceiving the public. Animal Liberation Victoria has been investigating the RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme, from...


Take Action

Posted on Aug 26 by

Take action to stop pig suffering and get the RSPCA out of business with animal abusers…